In The News

Drunk Driving

On a yearly basis, hundreds of Californian's lose their lives in a collision caused by an impaired driver.  In 2009 alone, based upon state accident data, at least 700 people in the state were killed in a crash which involved driving under the influence. If you are a loved one has been injured due to the fault of an individual driving under the influence, contact us for a free consultation today.

Distracted Driving

Driver distraction could present a serious and potentially deadly danger. According to accident data, in 2009, more than 5,000 people were killed in the United States due to distracted driving. Driving while distracted includes any of the following: using a cell phone, texting, putting on makeup, and eating.  Teenagers were among the highest percentage of distracted drivers involved in crashes were someone was killed. If you are a loved one believe that you have been injured due to the negligence of a distracted driver, contact Akaragian Law for a free consultation today.